Friday, July 27, 2007

Your Message Here

A couple evenings ago: practice out at the beach on Rock Island, then a quick jaunt around Crotch. Todd had a camera, so this time I show up on the other end of the lens. From a distance, we look about the same: yellow kayaks, rugged good looks, etc. Soon he'll be writing these blogs too.

This morning I'd planned on paddling with someone else, but when I called to check in at 5:45, I discovered I would be alone. I tried Todd's house (tossing pebbles up at the bedroom window) but he had work to do. So I went by myself. It's good to go out alone every now and then. It clears your head. Until those goofy bluegrass songs start creeping in.

I went around McGlathery, returning as others were heading out, before the air became too hot. I'm still wearing a drysuit, since the water is low to mid 50's, and I usually get wet. We just put in a huge order to NRS though. Actually not so huge, just costly. New semi-dry tops & sprayskirts, etc, etc. It never ends. Look- a buoy...


Quackey McKnuckles said...

Nice Ass!

Michael Daugherty said...

Thanks, Quackey.

Michael Daugherty said...

Quackey is of course referring to the rock formation behind the kayak: "The Old Man's Ass". It's a landmark on the west side of Crotch Island, visible for several miles.