Thursday, April 26, 2007

Second Wind

Pausing: "should we go for Ram?"Ram is the little island just in front of Todd's visor.

Yesterday we were paddling within an hour of finishing work. The sky had turned cloudy and windy, and I felt worn-out enough that couch time was sounding better than paddle time. But we'd made plans, so we went. It looked, once again, as though we might do a quick little loop. As it turned out- a little 12-mile or more loop. Somewhere out there we must have found a second wind.

Along the south side of Merchant's.

Much can happen in three hours of paddling, or so it seemed when we returned to Stonington and the sun came out just in time to set. We'd headed out along Crotch and Sand, through some lively water to Farrell, then a mile or so wavy crossing to Ram, then east along Merchant's. We took a break on Harbor Island to watch the sky above the Camden Hills turn pink before pointing back toward home.

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