Sunday, August 19, 2007

Crotch Island

This morning's trip came together by chance: running into Sarah, who'd been looking for someone to paddle with, and then Eugene and Julie, who I hadn't been out with yet this year. Individually, anyone of us would have hit the snooze button and missed a great paddle, but we'd made plans which put us on the water by seven.

At first, the breeze kept us on the lee side of Crotch Island. We went up the millpond, or the crotch (at which point I thought I'd title this entry "Up the Crotch"). The real fun though, was on the other side, where the wind and waves came off Penobscot Bay.

Meanwhile, Todd decided to sleep in, but he came up with his prototype of the "Toddcam". I'm sure he'll be blogging the results here soon.

So I still need a title for this entry. Any ideas?

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